Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Post 6

1.The Golden Ratio has been discovered over 4,500 years ago.
2.Alexander the Great's teacher Manaechmus is reputed to have discoverthe curves of ellipse, the parabola and the hyperbola
3. Mathematics was an absolute must in the education of all state leaders and philosophers

4 Questions
1. Why was math a must back during B.C ?
2. Why don't people take math so seriously now ?
3.What is a astrophysicist ?
4. What is a socioeconomic vision?

3 Vocab
1. Broideries

Post 5

1.Everything string quart and symphony orchestra uses Pythagoras' discovery of whole-number relationships.
2. Piero's lucid book on perspective became the standard manual for artists who attempted to paint plane figures and solids.
3. Mendelssohn suggest that ancient Egyptians may not have used the same unit of length to measure vertical and horiazonal distances
4. Either tha ancient Babylonians or the ancient Egyptians discovered the Golden Ratio and it's properties
5. Pyramids and Golden Numberism may be stronger then any solid solid evidence

4 Questions
1.What does music have to do with math and numbers ?
2. What unit of length did ancient Egyptians use to measure vertical and horizontal distances ?
3. What is the Golden Numberism ?
4. What is the Great Pyramind ?

3 Vocab

Post 5

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post 4

1. The book connects everything in the real world to math
2. I think math is the most important thing in the world
3. In 1963 the Fibonacc Association has published a journal entitled the Fibonacci Quarterly
4. Johannes Kepler is best known for being responsible for the three laws of planetary motion.
5. Kepler was born on December 27, 1571 in Germany

4 Questions
1.Where is Ptolemy from?
2. How is math and art related ?
3. What is planetary motion.
4. Where is Tubingen?

3 Vocab
1. Logarithmic-
2. Seminary-

1 Overview
1. I learned about Johannes Kepler and what he studied.

Post 3

1. The Golden Ration appears in the Elements in several places.
2. The Golden Ratio is often defined as extreme and mean ratio
3. Every angle of a pentagon is equal to 108 degrees
4. I like the first verse of the poem "Golden Mean"
5. The Golden Ratio was computed to 10 million decimal places in December 1996.

4 Questions
1. How does the Golden Ratio appear in the Elements in several places ?
2. What does IBM stand for?
3. What is the difference between a "daughter" triangle and a "parent" triangle
4. Why do they call the triangles called "daugthter" and "parent" ?

3 Vocab
1. Ubiquitous
2. Manifestation
3. Linguistic

2 Literary Terms
1.The Golden mean is quite absurd
It's not yoiur ordinary surd -

1 Overview Sentence
In this section I learned about the different triangle names and more about the Golden Ratio.

Post 2

1.In 1998 two groups of astronomores discovered that not only Earth is expanding
2. The four basic elements of matter are earth, water, air and fire.
3. The Parthenon was built on the Acropolis in Athens as a temple sacred to the cult of Anthena Parthenos.
4. The Elements are a thirteen-volume work on geometry and number theory
5. The lengths of the sides of the rectangle are in a Golden Ratio to each other.

4 Questions
1. What other universe is expanding?
2. What is "dark energy" ?
3. What does the lifes of people from the Athens have to do with math ?
4. Who created the Elements ?

3 Vocab
1. Immense
2. Circumscribed
3. Infinitum

1 Overview
In this section I learned about elements.

Post 1

1.I like the quote "Numberless" are the world's wonders.
2.This book is very complex
3. Cardinal numbers simply determine the plurality of collection of items.

4 Questions
1. What is a physicist?
2. How does pi appear very frequently?
3. What is a anthropologist?
4. Why is the term for ten coconuts different from the term for ten boats different?

3 Vocab
1. Meager
2. Propensity
3. Formulae

1 Overview
In this section I learned that cardinal numbers appear first and different items have different terms for numbers.