Thursday, November 20, 2008

History2:::Active Reading

1. A large number of descendant of former Mexicans living in the southern part of the US.
2. Mexican-Americans are commonly known as chicanos
3.Mexico has three climates.

4 Questions
1. What does chicanos mean?

3 Vocab.
1.Predecessor-something succeeded or replaced by something else
2.Affluence-abundance of money, property, and other material goods; riches; wealth
3.Alpine-very high; elevated

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

History:::Active Reading

1. Mexico has lost more than half of it's national territory to it's northern neighbour due to war.
2. I think the war between Mexico and the United State has affected both countries relationship.
3. The name "Mexico" comes from the language of the ancient Aztecs.
4. Some of the information in the book i can relate too my history class.
5.In 1821 the Mexicans proclaimed their independence from Spain.
4 Questions
1. How did the Mexicans feel when their land was lost?
2. Does anyone in Mexico still speak the ancient Aztec language?
3. Is Mexico a rich country?

3 Vocab.
1. Annexation-the act or an instance of annexing, esp. new territory
2. Appalling-causing dismay or horror: an appalling accident; an appalling lack of manners
3.Immense-vast; huge; very great: an immense territory

1 Overview Sentence
1. In the book I read that the Mexico has lost a vast majority of their land because of war with the U.S.